Ben Alderman, also known as Lin Wen-Ben, is a moving image artist based in London. His moving image projects have been featured in film festivals and art organizations worldwide, including prestigious events such as the London Short Film Festival, the Factual Animation Film Festival, the Leon Gallery, and the Ice Cube Gallery. Beyond his artistic endeavors, Ben has collaborated with various art.organizations, experimental animators, and film companies.
Artist Statement
As an artist, Wen-Ben explores ready-made material and culture. He is interested in the materiality of objects and art. A process artist examines the notion of illusion and often combines time-based media with sculptural elements. He uses art to organize his perception of contemporary life and produces works with poetic gestures. The juror of the New American Painting No. 132 Valerie Cassel Oliver states that “Wen-Ben’s featured images are comprised of prompts used in his performances as well as paintings on canvas created out of his performative actions. The mere fact that the young artist understands his practice as inherently and unapologetically painting is evocative of the foundational practices of the late 1960s and early ‘70s, when the search for new forms within established traditions gave prominence to “practice as spectacle.” 
Currently, he is in love with experimental animation and he wants to push the boundaries of what kinetic imaging can be. As he makes his project, he considers the materiality of art and object, and his creations are often meta-conceptual. 
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